8 Yoga Poses for Healthy Digestion
Digestive issues are something that the majority of us experience, especially around the Holidays. Whether your digestive issues (such as cramps, bloating, feelings of heaviness, indigestion, constipation, etc.) are frequent occurrences or happen occasionally, there's no doubt that any digestive issue can be painful, unpleasant, and stressful.
To keep your digestive system active and healthy, especially when rich foods and big meals are in season, mindful movement can be just what the doctor ordered. These eight yoga poses will help relieve digestive discomfort and support a healthy system through deep breathing, calming the nerves, increasing circulation, and supporting motility within the gastrointestinal tract.

1. Legs Up the Wall Pose
Legs Up the Wall Pose is one of the simplest yoga poses for healthy digestion and overall well-being. This yoga posture inverts the way our bodies typically sit throughout the day, promoting blood circulation and lymphatic drainage throughout the body (just to name a couple of benefits). This relaxing pose helps soothe cramps, boost energy, and improve blood flow for optimized digestion and nutrient absorption.
1. While sitting on the floor facing the wall, lower down onto your side.
2. Roll onto your back.
3. Slide your legs up the wall.
4. Keep your feet hip-distance or whatever feels comfortable.
5. Scoot your tailbone around to adjust. It doesn’t need to touch the wall however, it should be close.
6. Bring your arms out to T-position, palms up. Relax your jaw, neck, shoulders, and arms.
7. Feel free to adjust your arms to make them more comfortable.
8. Let your breath be natural and calm. Feel free to close your eyes.
9. Stay for as long as you’d like. Give it a good minute to allow yourself to notice the effects.
10. To come out, bend your knees and gently roll to one side, then slowly assist yourself back up to seated.

2. Cat-Cow Pose
If you've practiced yoga, then you are no doubt familiar with Cat-Cow. This beginner-friendly pose combines two classic yoga positions, Cat Pose and Cow Pose, to focus on the breath, ground through all fours, and stretch the back and belly muscles. Cat-Cow pose gently massages the spine and belly organs to promote movement and healthy digestion.
1. Start on your hands and knees.
2. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart, entire palm touching the ground.
3. Have your knees directly below your hips.
4. For Cow: inhale deeply while lengthening your spine.
5. On the same inhale, lift your heart forward and up while bringing your seatbones to the sky. Your belly will drop.
6. For Cat: as you exhale, bring your pelvis to your bellybutton, your belly to your spin, and arch your spine. Also, curl your chin to your chest.
7. Repeat several times.

3. Extended Puppy Pose
A blend of Child's Pose and Downward-Facing Dog, Extended Puppy Pose will help to lengthen the spine and provide the stomach with some gentle movement and support. This pose is especially great after a large meal to stretch the belly and relieve mild cramps.
1. Come onto your hands and knees with your shoulders over your wrists and your hips over your knees.
2. Have your feet hip-width apart.
3. Begin to walk your hands out in front to create a nice stretch.
4. Slowly release your forehand to the ground and allow your chest to melt.
5. Spread your fingers and firmly press your entire palm.
6. Keep your shoulders wide by rolling your upper arms away from your ears.
7. Keep arms active by keeping your elbows slightly off the ground.
8. Keep your hips up and back while you continue to let your chest melt.
9. Breathe deeply in and out of your nose for 5 - 10 breaths.
10. Come out by walking your hands back to tabletop position.

4. Supine Twist
Supine Twist is a relaxing, restorative pose that rinses the spine and internal organs. Supine Twist (like other twist poses) has long been used to treat digestive issues, low energy, and muscle aches.
1. Lying on your back, bring your arms out to T position with the palms facing down.
2. Bend the right knee and place the left hand on it.
3. Guide the right knee over to the left side of your body, twisting the spine and low back.
4. Keep your right shoulder relaxed and on the ground.
5. Feel free to look to the right, just past your right fingertips. You’re welcome to close your eyes, too.
6. Relax. Let gravity assist you.
7. Breathe in and out of your nose, calm and natural.
8. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
9. To come out, slowly unwind and roll your hips back to the floor.
10. Repeat on the other side.

5. Downward-Facing Dog
Another classic yoga pose, Downward-Facing Dog is a full-body stretch that engages the core, warms the body, and improves whole-body circulation to nourish your digestive tract and get things moving.
1. To start, come onto your hands and knees with your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath the hips.
2. Walk your hands a few inches forward.
3. Spread your fingers apart and press your entire palm into the ground.
4. While continuing to firmly press your palms down, curl your toes, lift your hips and straighten your legs.
5. Keep your shoulders wide by rolling your upper arms outward, away from your ears.
6. To keep a long spine, keep pressing your palms into the ground while lifting your hips to the sky and relaxing your shoulders.
7. Gradually bring your heels towards the ground. Let this be natural, never forced.
8. It’s more important to keep a long spine than to get your heels to the ground. Keep your knees bent if need be.
9. Breaths in and out of your nose. Stay here for 5 to 10 breaths.
10. To come out, bend your knees and come back to your hands and knees.

6. Bridge Pose
Bridge Pose is a back-bending, multifunctional yoga posture that improves blood circulation, removes stagnant energy, compresses the digestive organs, and gently stretches your abdomen muscles.
1. Lie on your back with your knees bents and the soles of your feet on the ground.
2. With your palms facing down, extend your arms long to each side of your body.
3. Have your feet hip-width apart.
4. Try to have the back of your foot touch the tip of your middle finger.
5. Keep your gaze up.
6. Bring your pelvis up to your belly button.
7. Press all four corners of each foot into the ground with equal weight and use your legs to lift your hips.
8. Use the power in your legs. Try not to squeeze your booty!
9. Keep your chin away from your chest.
10. If you want to walk your shoulders together and clasp your hands, feel free. Try to keep your palms touching as you bring your hands to the earth.
11. As you inhale, see if you can lift and open your heart higher to the sky.
12. As you exhale, use the power in your legs to lift your hips higher.
13. Stay here for a few breaths. See if you can open your heart and lift your hips even higher with each breath.
14. To release, unclasp your fingers if they are together, bring your pelvis to your belly button, and carefully lower down, one vertebrate at a time, until your entire back is on the ground.

7. Half Wind Relieving Pose
Half Wind Relieving Pose is one of the best yoga postures for improving digestion. The pose compresses the colon to improve digestion and encourage elimination. Plus, it's an excellent pose to stretch out the lower back and lengthen the spine.
1. Start on your back.
2. Bring your right leg up to your chest and hold your leg a little below your knee.
3. Keep your shoulders and neck relaxed.
4. Gently hug your leg closer to your chest.
5. Breathe in and out of your nose, natural and calm.
6. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
7. Release your leg to your mat.
8. Repeat with the other leg.

8. Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose is a grounding, heart-opening yoga pose that also happens to be great for digestion. Triangle Pose activates deep, steady breathing, opens the hips, relieves stress, and improves digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs.
1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hands on your hips.
2. Firmly root your right foot, keeping your toes pointing forward.
3. Carefully step your left foot back, a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Your left foot is pointed in, close to a 45-degree angle.
4. Turn your hips to face the left side of your mat.
5. Extend your arms so they’re parallel to the ground, palms facing down.
6. Reach your right hand out in front and shift your hips to the back.
7. Keeping your arms in one long continuous line, carefully bend your body at the hip joint, extending over the right leg. Your right arm points downward while your left arm extends upward.
8. Let your right hand press up against your right leg anywhere that works for you.
9. The goal is to keep our body stacked in one line. Focus on bringing the right hip under the left. To keep your butt from sticking out: press your hips to the left side of your mat.
10. You can look down or up. Do what is most comfortable for you.
11. Breathe in and out of your nose, calm and natural.
12. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
13. Repeat on left side.
A friendly reminder you don’t have to do them all — or do them in the same order. Even just enjoying one pose can make such a difference for your digestive system.
To create a healthy digestion practice, select a few poses and find a quiet, secluded space to take care of yourself for a few minutes.
In addition to aiding digestion, all of these poses can help you unwind, relax, and release stress that has accumulated throughout your week.